Try our Potluck Moai! As part of Mayflower’s commitment to Naples’ Blue Zones and healthier eating, we gather…
Mayflower’s Church Council meets monthly on the fourth Wednesday at 2 PM in the Family Life Center. Visitors are always welcome.
Join Mayflower’s congregation on the first Sunday of the month when we will celebrate at our Lord’s table with our brothers and sisters in Christ! Join us for worship and Communion at 9:30! We practice COVID safety precautions. The communion meal recalls the table Jesus shared with His disciples, at the Last Supper on the…
Mayflower’s Walking Moai continues walking at different parks every Tuesday. Mayflower’s Walking Moai originated with our Blue Zones commitment. A Moai (moe-eye) is a longevity tradition in Okinawa, Japan. It is deeply ingrained into the social system of the island and is a social support group that start in childhood and extends throughout their lives,…
March 2025 Masthead Deadline for the April Masthead is February 23rd. Please let us know if you would like to be on our email list for our Masthead newsletter.