Shelter for Abused Women & Children
The Shelter is Naples’ only available refuge for abused men, women and children. Mayflower supports them with ongoing needs. We have received a special request for baby items. We’re celebrating a “Baby Shower” for mothers in need of baby supplies when they arrive at the Shelter. Please contribute diapers (especially sizes 5 & 6), wipes, formula, etc. when you come to worship!
There is also an ongoing need for adult supplies of shampoo & conditioner (full size), soap, sleep shirts, deodorant, twin size bed linens, contact lens solution, and many other items. Pick up a complete list next Sunday at the Welcome Table! All donations may be left in the baby cradle as you enter the church Sanctuary. A volunteer will transport them to the Shelter.
Contributions for CAT bus passes and other monetary needs are received during Refreshment Time on the second Sunday of the month.