Meet Yandell! This young man is one of the youth from the community that Hearts and Hands for Jesus has assisted since kindergarten. He is now a senior in high school. He lives with his Mother in the Barrio Roosevelt neighborhood. Yandell is involved in his community and has marched, or should I say danced, in the Dia de Afro- Caribbean parade with the Nefertiti cultural group.
Your support for us and Hearts and Hands 4 Jesus continued to provide significant impact in 2024:
· 8 students graduated from high school this year making a total of 42 since the beginning of the mission
· 2 university graduates this year for a total of 4 since beginning of Hearts and Hands for Jesus
· 23 students promoting to kinder, middle and high school
· 170 back to school supply bags were provided for students at the beginning of the school year
· 12 churches in Limon continue participating in monthly prayer and fasting (this is our 3rd year)
· 586 bags of basic food provisions were distributed to families with food insecurity
· 41 different types of fruits, vegetables herbs and spices from the farm and vivero were harvested and distributed to families in the community
· 3 mission work teams were coordinated by Hearts and Hands for Jesus to address spiritual and community needs in Limon
· 2 trips to minister and assist with construction in other areas of Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Panama were made by Sally and Crosby
· 2 youth were baptized
· 3 babies were dedicated
· 2 home going celebrations
Individual Mentoring classes for those seeking a deeper relationship with the Lord have been on going with several new individuals beginning this year. We were greatly blessed with a home visit to the USA this fall where we met many new friends and assisted in preparing and providing meals for individuals with food insecurity. November brought the celebration of Sister Elizabeth’s 106th birthday.