Worship Time:
    Sunday 9:30

Our Worship Service

Worship is central to our community of faith. Our worship service begins on Sunday at 9:30 and lasts for about an hour, but plan on staying for our time of refreshment and fellowship. Our service is based on Scriptures with readings and a message based on them. Our job is to listen to them and respond to God’s voice. The blend of traditional and contemporary music are an important part of our praise to God. We partake of Communion on the first Sunday of every month. After worship, you are invited to join us for continuing fellowship and refreshments in our Family Life Center. 


The communion meal recalls the table Jesus shared with his disciples, at the Last Supper on the night before his death, as well as His appearances to the disciples during meals following his resurrection.

The broken bread and poured wine represent the crucified and risen Christ. At Mayflower we use grape juice to represent the poured wine.  We consume the bread together to represent our unity within the Body of Christ. We consume the grape juice individually to represent our unique relationship with God.  At Mayflower, the Communion Table is “open to all Christians who wish to know the presence of Christ and to share in the community of God’s people.”

How should I dress?

Visitors sometimes wonder how they should dress. Some men wear shirts and ties others wear shorts.  Some women wear dresses and hats, others dress more casually.  Never let your attire stop you from attending.  God and Mayflower welcome you in whatever you feel comfortable wearing to worship God!

Sometimes on the first Sunday of the month, women will choose to wear hats.  


We receive a weekly offering to support our operating budget, missions and mortgage.  We receive quarterly offerings to support denominational missions.  We appreciate your regular support of our ministries.  If you are a guest, please consider yourself our guest.

What if I have special needs?

Mayflower is handicap accessible.  If needed, we can provide a wheelchair or help you with your walker.  Just ask a greeter or usher for assistance.


Mayflower welcomes those who would like to join us as members. You may do so as a Reaffirmation of your Faith as you move your membership from one church to another. We also welcome Affiliated Members who are members of another church, but worship at Mayflower on a regular, or seasonal basis.  Please speak to the Pastor about this.


The altar flowers may be donated in honor of, in memory of a loved one, or to commemorate a special occasion.  This may be arranged by signing up on the calendar list on the Refreshment Table.


Refreshments after worship are provided by the congregation.  You and your friend(s) may sign-up on the list at the serving table in the Family Life Center.  Donations received during the Refreshment Time are dedicated to a different mission every week.

What else is going on?

We believe that church attendance is only a part of a Christian’s life. We provide many opportunities for service to God’s less fortunate. Read more about this under our Outreach. We also believe in gathering with other Christian believers.  Please see our Activities or Calendar sections for more information. Join us in any and all of them!