Pastor Alan as he started his retirement. We are entering our “Interim Time” while we are waiting for God to send us our new pastor. Rev. Dr. Richard Wolf is graciously serving as our Bridge Minister.
It is our hope you will join us one Sunday for worship. If you have already worshiped with us and are checking out our website, we hope you find it informative. Mayflower offers each person an opportunity to live out their faith in a variety of ways through worship, service opportunities, book and Bible studies, and other outreach activities throughout the year.
Again, welcome to Mayflower. May you find a church home here and the peace that a life of faith offers.

Rev. Dr. Richard Wolf Isabelle Aubin Jeff Stephenson Judy Dudley
Bridge Minister Music Director Council President Office Administrator
In the United Church of Christ, each congregation or local church is free to act in accordance with the collective decision of its members, guided by the working of the Spirit in the light of the scriptures. Mayflower’s Church Council meets monthly on the fourth Wednesday at 3 PM in the Family Life Center. You are welcome to join a meeting.